Monday, February 18, 2013

Field Trips & Products I love

Caleb is 3.5 weeks old and is growing like a weed! He measures 22 inches long and weighs 10 lbs 10 oz. He loves his carseat so I have been taking full advantage and we have been going on daily field trips! He is such a sweet baby and does well on our trips, everyone says wow he is soo good! He likes to show his true colors around dinner time, but hey if that is the only time he is fussy, I can handle it!

Last week I even took the little fella to Center Valley for the Valentine's party. It was so good to see all my students and my colleagues.Caleb got lots of attention :) It was so funny to see my kiddos expressions when I walked into the classroom with Caleb. They were so quiet and just stared for about 2 minutes. I started laughing really hard because they are never that quiet. One of my students looked up at me and said "I think we are just really nervous" haha! Two of my students just stared at me and said "You are so beautiful" which makes a momma post baby feel extra special. One of my parents said "I don't think they are used to you without the big belly". We had lots of fun and Mrs. Magill made the most precious quilt for Caleb. She helped get all my students' handprints on the border of the quilt. I will cherish this quilt forever! 

Caleb is one loved little guy! I feel so blessed to know that I have such supportive friends and family around. This weekend we had so much fun. Our best friends are expecting their first baby and we had the pleasure of taking some pictures of them for their pregnancy announcement :) I think they turned out so cute and fun.I cannot wait for Baby Shinn to arrive. Caleb will have a buddy to play with come September!

Every time Daniel is on shift; which means that he is gone for 24 hours, we go have dinner with Daddy. It's so fun to go to the station beacuse the two precious men that work with Daniel are so in love with Caleb. They fight over who gets to take care of him while me and Daniel eat. I know Caleb is in great hands and we joke about how he has two Papa's at the fire station. I haven't got a picture of them  with Caleb (surprising huh?) --- I will have to do that Tuesday. 

Now on to the meat of the post. I have quite a few friends that are expecting and have been asking what to register for. Here are a few of my favorite products- thus far! Thought I would share!

1. Baby Scales- This is not a must have, but a very nice thing to have. Especailly if you are nursing and unsure if your little one is getting enough to eat. My mother-in-law bought these and I weigh Caleb every morning around the same time. 


2. Medela double handsfree pump- If you plan on pumping for any length of time, this thing is a GOD SEND, worth the money!

3. Fisher Price rock'n play sleeper- This is what Caleb sleeps in every night beside our bed! I love it because I do  not have to worry about him choking on his spit up.
4. Motorola Video monitor- This thing is awesome, especially during nap time when I want to get some things done! 
5. Aden and Anias swaddle blankets - These are light weight and breathable! Wonderful investment! 
6.  Fisher Price Discover n' grow swing n' seat- I love this swing and calming seat because it does not take up your whole living room. It is very compact and Caleb loves to nap in this! 

7. PUJ Bath- My friend Laura let me borrow this bathtub. It is amazing because it is so soft and not bulky like those hard plastic tubs. I just put it in the kitchen sink and it molds to the sides. 

 Puj Flyte Compact Infant Bath - White

1 comment:

  1. I second the monitor and swaddling blankets! We use the monitor so much the little kick stand is broken ha!
