Tuesday, October 22, 2013

9th Month

Ok... I am having a hard time believing that Caleb has been out of my womb almost longer than I carried him. I love the stage we are in right now. I wish I could just bottle up all the fun things Caleb is doing because I know I am going to miss this stage-- when he really becomes mobile. Here are a few things that he has been up to this month:

  • weight: I think almost 24 pounds, not sure on length we go to the doctor next week
  • diapers: size 3
  • clothes- size 12-18 mostly 18 months (they look so big- but fit tightly)
  • food- 5 (8oz) bottles a day, 1 bottle of juice a day, Caleb loves to try to eat what we do. He has always been very interested in food but now he does a great job gumming it and actually swallowing it. This month he has enjoyed vegetable soup (canned from this summer) and hash brown potato casserole (man after my own heart).
  • teeth- no new ones this month- still has 6 and the top ones are getting HUGE- I love his big toothy grin
  • FAT feet- if I find shoes that fit his thick instep they are WAY TOO LONG- I bought some nike's the other day, but they just aren't working
  • toys- Caleb loves his music table --his favorite thing to do is stand up next to it and open and close his book; most of the time he would rather play with household items such as the DISHWASHER, Cabinets, and Fridge
  • Climbing- we have caught Caleb trying to climb multiple times (one time he climbed up the bottom two stairs by himself, next time it was my quilt wrack, and lastly the coffee table)
  • Understands NO- we have had to give fewer "spankings" on his hands this month. Now when we say no he spins around and curls out his bottom lip. We still have some trouble with cords and of course when we go new places he will test his boundaries. We have a lot more work ahead of us, but we feel better knowing Caleb understands the words "NO".
  • Walking- not yet, but getting VERY close. Caleb pulls up to things and lets go and stays standing for anywhere close to a minute. He has accidentally taken a few steps a time or two.
  • Music- Caleb loves when music is on and he will instantly start bopping up and down- so CUTE
  • walker- doesn't really like it that much unless I am cooking and I give him treats while he walks around in it (who doesn't like treats?)
  • Naps- still taking 2-3 naps a day. He normally takes 1-1.5 hour morning and afternoon nap
  • Sleep- now that the days are getting shorter and Caleb is playing harder he normally goes to bed around 8 and he actually sleeps till 7 or 7:30 since it's still dark out
  • Daily walks- Caleb enjoys ridding in the stroller and looking at the cows and horses down the road
  • Laugh- still doesn't quite know how but tries so hard and it cracks us up
  • Words- FINALLY mama- in context :) Dada, Mimi, lots of b- sounds (we think he tries to say bottle and D is trying really hard to teach him buck)
  • Lots of babbling and it sounds more like words instead of repeat sounds
  • Here are a few of my favorite pictures from his 9 month shoot
    This boy loves putting sticks, dirt, leaves, or anything dirty in his mouth
    This is his "cheesy" grin

    Every day I look into Caleb's eyes and wonder how my heart could be any more full. I am so thankful that God gave me the opportunity to be his mama. My life is so far from perfect and I have a hard time balancing things, but I wouldn't trade it for anything.

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