Thursday, May 21, 2015

Ninth Month

Gosh time is going too fast. It seems like it was just the other day and I was chasing Caleb around when he was trying to get into everything. Fast forward and now it is Rhett's turn. Rhett has reached a very fun/active age. I am enjoying watching his little personality develop. He is still extremely laid back and loves his toys. This is so exciting to me because Caleb never cared for toys at this age. Here are some stats from this month:

Weight: 23 lbs 
Clothes: 12-18 mos
Diapers: size 4 

  • Hair is getting lighter
  • Big brown eyes (Daddy thinks they looked crossed at times)
  • HUGE teeth
  • thinning out
  • getting a nice tan
  • still a big fan of baby food (when a fruit is mixed in)
  • He loves getting bites of our food when we eat
  • One of his favorites to eat off my plate is sweet potatoes with honey or scrambled eggs
  • Still drinks around 5-6 six ounce bottles a day
  • Favorite toy by far is a rubber ducky (expensive taste huh?)
  • His toy bell goes EVERYWHERE he does (He will be a great volunteer for Salvation Army one day)
  • Loves toys that light up or make noise
  • Anything that Caleb plays with fascinates Rhett
  • 8 total: got two new ones on the bottom this month
  • Great belly laugh- loves to laugh at his big brother
  • great morning nap still (normally last between 1.5-2 hours)
  • Cat napper in the afternoon
  • Bedtime somewhere between 8-9
  • Still has an early morning feed (between 4:30-5:00). If I don't feed him he just wakes up and wants to play, if I feed him he goes back to bed for 1-2 more hours.
  • Wakes up between 6:30-7:00
  • Can sit up in his crib on his own now
New discoveries:
  • Started this month army crawling and finally figured out how to actually crawl
  • Very content to sit and play with his toys. He will crawl after his toys when they roll off.
  • Trying hard to pull up on things, but hasn't mastered this part yet. 
  • VERY FLEXIBLE- goes from the splits to crawling
  • Can plank- we laugh because Rhett can get in a plank position and hold himself for a few seconds.
  • Waves goodbye now
  • Gets so excited when someone comes home (finally a kid that is happy to see me when I get home, ha)
  • Mastered a silent clap this month

  • Addi, Tate, and Cole's birthday party at our house- We had all the family over to celebrate Addison's 3rd, Tate's 6th, and Cole's 5th birthdays. We enjoyed the beautiful spring weather. The kiddos had fun fishing and playing outside
  • Mother's Day- We made a trip to Jacksonville to celebrate Mother's Day. This is always a sweet time because I found out I was pregnant with C on Mother's Day 3 years ago. My how things have changed drastically since then. It's tough work traveling with two little ones by myself, but it sure does make my kids happy to see everyone.
  • Birthday Parties- One Saturday when Daniel was working, I took both boys to two birthday parties in one day. We went to Hadley's First birthday party and then rushed home for a nap. Then we went to Elliott's second birthday party. Caleb is the age where he really likes parties and begs to stay. Rhett enjoyed himself at both parties. Several people commented on how laid back and happy he was.
  • Several walks this month in the stroller- he enjoys walking around the farm and getting fresh air. Most of the time he barely moves or makes a peep.